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Betwixt, eke, and yokel seem to me the weakest of the field. Fuck, of course, like the New York Yankees, is a natural powerhouse, but one has to root for an upset. Most important omission, in my mind, is crepuscular.
Fuck you, fuck me, fuck'em; scalawag, the chic new luggage brand, sphincter, just for the pleasure of saying it, and phlegm for its ancient earthy roots
It would be a hornswaggle if a scalawag like you lets a pedestrian effin' word like "fuck" win best word ever, and the ensuing kerfuffle and phlegm may make you want to fuck your sphincter with a gherkin and utter a very long diphthong.
Reminder to self: never post after 10pm where you can't edit it the next morning. Do-over:
If we get hornswoggled by a scalawag like you letting a pedestrian effin' word like "fuck" win best word ever, the ensuing kerfuffle and phlegm may make you want to fuck your sphincter with a gherkin and utter a very long diphthong.
Betwixt, eke, and yokel seem to me the weakest of the field. Fuck, of course, like the New York Yankees, is a natural powerhouse, but one has to root for an upset. Most important omission, in my mind, is crepuscular.
Posted by: Merrill Kaitz | August 29, 2012 at 12:23 PM
Phlegm over akimbo, what an upset!
Posted by: Jacky | August 29, 2012 at 12:58 PM
Fuck you, fuck me, fuck'em; scalawag, the chic new luggage brand, sphincter, just for the pleasure of saying it, and phlegm for its ancient earthy roots
You gottem all there, bud. Nice work
Posted by: Tim Heitzman | August 29, 2012 at 11:17 PM
It would be a hornswaggle if a scalawag like you lets a pedestrian effin' word like "fuck" win best word ever, and the ensuing kerfuffle and phlegm may make you want to fuck your sphincter with a gherkin and utter a very long diphthong.
Posted by: Neo | August 31, 2012 at 03:02 AM
Reminder to self: never post after 10pm where you can't edit it the next morning. Do-over:
If we get hornswoggled by a scalawag like you letting a pedestrian effin' word like "fuck" win best word ever, the ensuing kerfuffle and phlegm may make you want to fuck your sphincter with a gherkin and utter a very long diphthong.
Posted by: Neo | August 31, 2012 at 12:07 PM
C'mon, Gherkin, move yer bloomin' arse!
Posted by: Jerome Rainey | September 01, 2012 at 02:48 AM
Uh, where the hell is "rantallion"? #Travesty
Posted by: Eamontoplease | September 25, 2012 at 06:21 PM